***News on the River*** 

  • Metro Councilors held a work session on Willamette Cove last week. Council President Peterson was absent. Only 2 of 6 Councilors present expressed outright support for a full cleanup of Willamette Cove, otherwise referred to as Oregon DEQ's "contingency".  We will need 4 out of 7 Councilors committed in order to pass a full cleanup plan for Willamette Cove. 

    Please consider emailing or scheduling meetings with Metro Councilors, or testify at any upcoming Thursday Council meeting prior to their final decision July 28th. Remind them that this will be a future community and environmental benefit across the entire region and that their constituents will likely feel much more comfortable coming to a nature park 30 years from now, knowing that contaminated soil is not lingering in a disposal facility near the Willamette River. You can find your Councilor's contact info here.  How to provide a testimony to METRO can be found here

    *You Can Testify: Any Thursday @ 10:30am
    Metro Council Meetings - about Willamette Cove priorities
    Meeting ID:615 079 992

    *You Can Testify: Thursday July 28 @ 10:30am
    Metro Council Meeting - Willamette Cove Contingency Resolution
    Meeting ID:615 079 992

    *You Can Testify: Any Wednesday by dialing 311
    1 hour before City Council meetings held at
    9:30am or 2:00pm

    Willamette Cove Deserves A Full Clean-Up

  • Please feel free to review the meeting summary from the June 8 Portland Harbor Collaborative! You may also view the June 8 meeting recording, as well as past Collaborative meeting recording, on Triangle’s Collaborative Group YouTube channel. The main topic from the June 8 Portland Harbor Collaborative was ‘A Day in the Life of Remedial Action’ and the Community Impacts Mitigation Plan.
  • City of St. Helens, OR Central Waterfront Site Visits:  Rachael Barry with the City of St. Helens will be leading waterfront site visits on Thursday, August 4 at 6pm and Saturday, August 6 at 10am. Please contact Rachael via e-mail to RSVP and receive more information: [email protected]
  • Cathedral Park Project Area Working Group:  The focus for this working group (part of the Portland Harbor Collaborative) is to discuss community education and engagement opportunities for EPA’s initial sampling work at the Cathedral Park Project Area. If you would like to join the working group or have other questions, please contact Laura Knudsen ([email protected], call/text 206-643-4299).
  • Willamette Cove Working Group:  If you would like to join the Willamette Cove Working Group (part of the Portland Harbor Collaborative) or have other questions, please contact Jessica Terlikowski ([email protected], 503-865-6704)


**Upcoming Events***

    CATHEDRAL PARK - N. PITTSBURGH AVE Saturday, July 9, 2022 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Food & beverages provided- Bus 75, 4, 44
    Masks and social distancing encouraged
    RSVP Here and find on FACEBOOK EVENTS Here
  • 42nd Annual Cathedral Park Jazz Festival- Friday, July 15th - 4:30pm Kick-off, Saturday, July 16th- 1-8:30pm, and Sunday, July 17th- 1-4:0 pm. Click Jazz Society Oregon for details. 
  • The Big Float: 10 years of Riverlution- Sunday July 10, 2022Join the Human Access Project for a parade/float/beach party in celebration of the Willamette River. Find more information here 
  • BRAIDED RIVER: Lower Willamette Speaks
    Portland City Hall- 1221 SW 4th Ave. Portland, OR 97204
    Exhibition Runs: June - July 2022 Monday-Friday 9 am - 5pm Opening Reception July 19th, 1pm With an introduction at 1:30 pm.
This exhibition is presented with support of Metro's
Community Place Making Grant 


Remember, we have a “New” Portland Harbor CAG YouTube page. “Subscribe here” and at the bottom of the email. Now you have access to our monthly virtual meetings, forums, and presentations.  
Give the YouTube channel a thumbs up��

***    ***    ***    ***

Thank you for joining us in welcoming Maya Agarwal, City Planner II with Portland Parks & Recreation. Many of us have envisioned a trail system providing access to and along the Willamette River wrapping along the north riverfront from the Steel Bridge in downtown Portland to Cathedral Park near the St. Johns Bridge and continuing through Baltimore Woods to Kelley Point Park. Maya will be discussing Portland's early history, North Portland Greenway: Background and Status, and finally followed by questions and discussion.

Date:  Wednesday, July 13, 2022 
Time: Start at 6:30 pm Pacific 
Location: Online Only

Weblink: Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID:  860 2314 6208
One tap mobile

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Dial by your location- +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)