Join the Willamette Cove Environmental Field Day Saturday, June 25 10am-2pm.


This free event is a great opportunity for community members and their families to learn about the science behind environmental cleanups and get the latest updates on the planning for the clean-up of Willamette Cove. The event will feature exploration stations, opportunities to meet the team working to cleanup Willamette Cove, and hands-on activities and demos.


Event details are included in the flier below and at Willamette Cove Environmental Field Day Tickets, Sat, Jun 25, 2022 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite.


We are asking for your help to reach community members in your network. Would you please share this information with them? We are attaching formatted graphics for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share through your social media channels, as well as a flier. When sharing via social media, please be sure to post the Eventbrite registration link along with the graphics. Thank you for considering!

If you have any questions or need any other information, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you on June 25th!


This event is brought to you by the City of Portland, Oregon Department of State Lands, Metro, Port of Portland, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, Blueprint Foundation, and the Human Access Project.